Wyatt is a current second year chemistry master’s student at San Diego State University with a focus in computational chemistry, but in his free time he enjoys painting miniatures!    




Chih-Ling “Janet” Lee is a second-year master’s student in Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University. She is a licensed dietitian from Taiwan, and is now working toward becoming a registered dietitian in California. In her free time, Janet enjoys cooking Taiwanese cuisine, doing yoga, and spending time at the beach. Her research focuses on understanding how amino acid ratios influence the taste of food.


Arpit is a graduate student in Computer Science at California State University, Los Angeles. Arpit’s primary expertise and passion lie in the realm of Augmented and Virtual Reality.    




Charles is a master’s student in Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University. He loves cooking and trying new foods, with some of his favorite foods being chicken satay in Singapore and haggis in Scotland. He enjoys spending time outdoors, particularly rock climbing and hiking. His focus is in food science and where ever it may take him.